Bonita Martens - Junior Copywriter

Bonita Martens

I’m a former flight attendant and general wanderer turned respectable wordsmith.

When I'm not climbing volcanoes or getting into dubious public transportation on different continents, I'm back home trying to corral what I've learned and experienced into meaningful, relatable content.

If I was to describe my style in one word it would be "colourful". I'm big on observational humour, and I have a (sometimes irritating) passion for grammar, but the thing I love most about writing is the way it kicks down doors to bring us all together. I get excited about the shared human experience and helping businesses and individuals tell their stories in memorable ways.

I'm still the new kid on the copywriting block and I'd love your feedback on my work! Let's connect!


Humber College- Advertising Copywriting

(Grad Certificate)

Queen’s University- English & History